Dear All,


We are writing to you to confirm a change in how we conduct our visits onto Jasmine, Daisy and Lavender floors. Instead of calling us to arrange a time slot, we are now an open house as of Wednesday 14th September, 2022. This means that you can visit as and when you want although, we still require you to sign-in, take your temperature and wear a mask.


We must inform you that as we are opening the floors, we have changed the door codes. If you require any assistance with this, please go to the back door of the main house where a member of staff will assist you. Please appreciate that the staff are on the floors with your loved ones, therefore we ask that you are patient and understanding whilst waiting for you to be addressed.


The above information is subject to change. If any resident is to contract COVID-19, we will revert to our previous visiting guide and bookings will be required.


We would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience throughout COVID-19 and supporting and adhering to the rules we must follow.


Thank you.